Each year all Sii Poland managers meet for 2 days to learn from each other, exchange experiences and integrate in order to work together even better. In 2021 we met after nearly 2 years break due to the pandemic.
Every Siinspiration is also about motivation, so apart from presenting the company’s results and sessions dedicated to particular areas, such as sales and recruitment, in the last few years we have introduced to the agenda a power speech given by a well-recognized speaker.
Last year I took this challenge upon myself combining my experience at Sii Poland and Polonia Warszawa.
Watch the video to find out:
- Why a football coach is one of the hardest jobs in the world
- What all managers can learn from football coaches
- Which techniques used to manage a football team can be useful to you
- Why you need to love your subordinates to be a successful manager
- And much more!
Recently the spring round of the 3rd Polish Football League has started. The following months will determine if we accomplish our goal of advancing to the 2nd league. Watch the interview with me conducted before the first game of the season to find out more about how we plan to achieve this goal.
Zapewne obok wielu fajnych i ciekawych, inspirujących tematów, managerowie ustalają twardą postawę wobec transparentności wynagrodzeń workerów – jej braku. Bo jak można mieć transparentność jeśli worker dostaje 40% (w porywach 50%) tego, co płaci klient.
Mam wiele szacunku do Ciebie Greg za to, że stworzyłeś Sii Polska i tak ją rozwinąłeś, za to że spotykając mnie na ulicy, rozpoznasz twarz i podasz rękę na przywitanie.
Ale po tylu latach pracy (a jest więcej niż 5, raczej zawyżam średnią), mam smutne wrażenie, że wartości jakie promujesz, jakie mamy wypisane na ścianach, zatrzymują na drzwiach Twojego gabinetu, i może HR. Ale z pewnością nie mogą przebić się przez drzwi Resource Managera, czy Unit Directora. Szczególnie kiedy przychodzi do rozmowy o podwyżce na rozmowie rocznej – to dla mnie praktycznie zawsze zabawa w chowanego. Tym bardziej, że mam świadomość stawek i podwyżek na podobnych rolach w innych projektach. Nawet dzisiejsza inflacja, czy stawki konkurencji nie ruszają excela. Niestety ludzie nie zapłacą za zakupy, czy ratę kredytu dzięki śniadaniom czy owocowym poniedziałkom, wtorkom itd.
Dodam, że byłem/jestem co najmniej goodworkerem lub wyżej.
Our average margin on direct cost is 35% ; & not 40% or 50% as you mention in your message ! (Margin is higher in some prestigious competitors like EY, Deloitte, Capgemini or Accenture compared to Sii).
Actually Sii is NOT a CV broker / recruitment agency which is able to deliver 15% margin on direct cost (because those staffing agencies have no bench, no advisory capacity, not software vendors partners, no competency centers, no PMO, no pre-sales activities, no training). We are a professional services vendor which delivers different engagement models with its customers, including advisory, extended delivery teams, complex system integration projects or outsourcing deals.
We have higher margin on most complex engagements (fixed price projects & managed services) because of higher project risks.
We have also often higher margin for junior / fresher contractors vs experts.
But on average our margin is 35% to cover our corporate – structural costs (18% of revenue) & bench cost (5% of revenue) to generate at least 10% net profit at the end.
We try to be always fair concerning remuneration. We are not the company which offers the highest salaries on the market; but not the worse either. We offer competitive pay (otherwise we wouldn’t be able to recruit 250 people each month!). We offer also many benefits to our colleagues in comparison with our competitors : job changer, efficient HR operations & service desk support, training, integration events etc…
We pay obviously more to our best consultants & key – strategic workers vs our less strategic people who are quite “easy” to replace by cheaper junior consultants.
(I don’t know who you are “Bamber”? But don’t hesitate to talk to me directly next time we will meet in Sii ! 😉